Monday, February 12, 2018

How to Soundproof a Room

Even a well-played instrument impacts roommates, neighbors, and family. Whether you play in a big house or a small apartment, it’s important to strike a balance between quiet and the sound of music. Here are a few tips to help soundproof a room.

Find gaps in door or window frames. A sound escapes through even a tiny gap. Reduce them by adding a door sweep, covering windows with thick curtains, or lining your heating and cooling ducts with soundproofing liner.

If your room has hard surfaces, the sound will reverberate, which means it will bounce around and hit surfaces repeatedly. Combat reflection with textiles and soundproof materials. Cover floors with carpeting or thick rugs, hang material from the wall, install soundproof curtains, or tack up vinyl or install acoustic insulation. Avoid cheap alternatives, such as egg cartons and mattresses – these are ugly and ineffective.

If you live in a small space, consider adding a false ceiling or replacing hollow doors with solid, heavy core ones. Also, take note of shared walls and consider moving your instruments to a garage or a shed in your backyard.

If you have an unused guest room, why not turn it into a recording studio? Here are some tips:

1.       Cancel feedback from electrical equipment by placing items like amps far away from microphones.

2.       Don’t annihilate sound reflection; leave spots open and treat them with diffusers.

3.       Think about installing bass traps to dampen the sound for lower frequencies.

4.       Have plenty of outlets and make sure they’re the right wattage for your equipment.

5.       Think seasonally. Will the AC clicking on and blowing into your studio alter your sound?

6.       Think about the number of musicians that will be playing in your room and arrange it accordingly.

7.       Maximize your space by using appropriately-sized equipment.

Original article from Redfin

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